Check out all the recent releases and updates listed below!
Create a option for removing the LoginPress settings/page during uninstallation of the plugin.
Update: log file.
Update: LoginPress addon ( Social Login ).
Compatibility: compatibility with WordPress 4.9.
Code refactoring.
Update: log file.
Compatibility: compatibility with WordPress 4.9.
Create a setting option “Lost Password URL” for using WordPress default forget form instead WooCommerce forget form.
Create a Hook for removing “Remember me” checkbox.
Compatibility with LoginPress new addon ( Login Menus ).
Multisite PHP error.
Update: French language.
Update: POT file.
Compatibility: compatibility with WordPress 4.9.
Code refactoring.
Compatibility with Multisite.
Licensing issue.
Update: Google reCaptcha library.
Code refactoring.
Update Facebook SDK.
Username Search problem.
Compatibility with Autologin Add-on.
Compatibility with Multisite.
Compatibility with Login Redirect Add-on.
Compatibility with Multisite.
Forget & Registration Form Transparency issue.
License issue fix for premium users.
LoginPress addons ( Auto Login, Login Redirects, Social Login ) and LoginPress Pro.
Compatibility: compatibility with WordPress 4.9.
RTL customizer issue.
Label Translation issue.
Forget & Registration Form Transparency issue.
Remove PHP 5.6 Warnings
Compatibility: compatibility with WordPress 4.9.