Check out all the recent releases and updates listed below!
Addons notice links.
Compatibility with Multisite.
Introducing Tool tips in customizer.
Introducing Login Logo (Enable / Disable) control.
Introducing Login Form (Transparency, Radius, Shadow, Opacity, Padding) control.
Introducing Login Form Labels (Text, Size, Color) control.
Introducing Login Form Input Field (Radius, Shadow, Opacity) control.
Introducing Login Button (Padding, Padding top, Padding bottom, Radius, Shadow, Opacity, Text size) control.
Introducing Footer Copyright Text (Enable / Disable) control.
Introducing Brand text position control in footer.
Login Logo issue in mobile Responsive.
Form Background Color issue.
Footer text issue in Customizer.
Typos in Customizer.
Compatibility with Plugin Password Protected.
Compatibility with Plugin Divi 100 Login Page.
Compatibility with Plugin Fusion Builder.
Code refactoring.
Compatibility with WordPress 4.9.
Logo sizing.
Compatibility issue with PHP 5.3
compatibility with WordPress 4.9.
Default background fixed.
Compatibility: compatibility with WordPress 4.9.
Introducing Background Gallery with a selected set of HD Backgrounds for Login Screen.
Launched LoginPress addons (Auto Login, Hide Login, Login Redirects, Social Login, Login Widget, Limit Login Attempts)
Login Addons can be installed from addons page within the plugin.
Launched login logout menu addon on can be installed from LoginPress addons screen.
Custom Previewer Icon issue on Preview screen.
Date_function() is deprecated.
Code refactoring.
Compatibility with WordPress 4.9.
Addons launched with auto updater and auto installer within the plugin addons page.
Launching LoginPress addons – Auto Login, Hide Login, Login Redirects, Social Login, Login Widget.
Apply live google fonts on footer text.
Initial Launch.
Initial Launch.
Initial Launch.