Check out all the recent releases and updates listed below!
Limit Login Attempts was loading all records on settings page load, limited to latest 50 rows now.
Version check missing for addons for 3.0 release.
Introducing a new dashboard UI/UX for LoginPress pages.
Introducing a new mechanism for LoginPress Add-Ons. All Add-Ons are managed through LoginPress Pro 3.0 instead of a separate plugin for each Add-On. Following following Add-Ons are merged into LoginPress Pro 3.0
* Auto Login
* Hide Login
* Widget Login
* Social Login
* Limit Login Attempts
* Login Redirects
Approve/Deny a user upon Registration by Admin.
New actions in Auto Login Add-On
* Autologin Copy: Introducing the copy icon thorough that you can easily copy the auto login link.
* Autologin Duration: Introducing duration feature, by default limit sets for 7 days after that duration, the link will expire.
* Autologin Status: Introducing Enable/Disable feature to restrict the user access.
* Autologin Email: Email the autologin link to a certain user.
* Autologin Multiple Email: Email to Multiple Users, for email the autologin link to the group of users.
* Optimized Add-On speed and code improvement.
Introducing Google reCaptcha Support for
* WooCommerce Login Form.
* WooCommerce Register Form.
* WordPress Comments Section.
Introducing Microsoft Social Login.
Replaced the Google PHP SDK with their own proprietary API for the Social Login Add-On.
Compatibility of Hide Login Add-On with TranslatePress Plugin.
Update the Google PHP API SDK v2.12.4 for Social Login Add-On.
Update the Twitter(X) icon.
Security Enhancements.
Optimized plugin speed and code improvement.
UI/UX Enhancements.
PHP 8.2 Compatibility.
Compatible with WordPress 6.5
Introducing a filter loginpress_autologin_default_expiration
to change the default expiration limit for the autologin link.
Introducing a filter loginpress_autologin_email_subject
for to change the email subject for the autologin email.
Introducing a filter loginpress_autologin_email_msg
for to change the content for the autologin email.
Introducing a filter loginpress_autologin_inactive_error
to change the inactive error message for autologin.
Introducing a filter loginpress_autologin_disable_error
to change the disable error message for autologin.
Introducing a filter loginpress_autologin_expired_error
to change the expired error message for autologin.
Introducing a filter loginpress_autologin_invalid_login_code
to change the invalid autologin code error message.
Introducing a filter prevent_loginpress_login_widget_redirect
to prevent the redirection on Login Widget.
Introducing a filter loginpress_apply_forcelogin_only_on
to only limit certain pages instead of whole site.
Fix Google reCaptcha issue with LoginPress Limit Login Attempt Add-On.
Google reCaptcha V2 Invisible control over the different forms.
Redirect to homepage page if empty value set for LoginPress Redirects.
Fix the last attempt issue in LoginPress Limit Login Attempt.
Resolved transparency issues related to the two-factor plugin, ensuring a seamless experience.
Hide Login Add-On with TranslatePress Plugin.
Google reCaptcha with PowerPack Login Plugin.
Limit Login Attempts Add-On is now integrated within LoginPress Pro, no separate installation is required.
Please upgrade to LoginPress Pro 3.0 to access the updated Login Redirects Add-On. Find out more here.
Login Redirects Add-On is now integrated within LoginPress Pro, no separate installation is required.
Please upgrade to LoginPress Pro 3.0 to access the updated Login Redirects Add-On. Find out more here.
Login Widget Add-On is now integrated within LoginPress Pro, no separate installation is required.
Please upgrade to LoginPress Pro 3.0 to access the updated Login Widget Add-On. Find out more here.
Social Login Add-On is now integrated within LoginPress Pro, no separate installation is required.
Please upgrade to LoginPress Pro 3.0 to access the updated Social Login Add-On. Find out more here.
Hide Login Add-On is now integrated within LoginPress Pro, no separate installation is required.
Please upgrade to LoginPress Pro 3.0 to access the updated Hide Login Add-On. Find out more here.
Auto Login Add-On is now integrated within LoginPress Pro, no separate installation is required.
Please upgrade to LoginPress Pro 3.0 to access the updated Auto Login Add-On. Find out more here.
Resolved PHP warning in TAV-notification.
Addressed welcome message issue on Logout Form.
Improved styling of the Privacy Policy link on the login page.
Refactored and optimized code for improved performance.
Fixed login page display issue in the login customizer preview on WPEngine host.
Compatible with WordPress 6.5